Experience Using Sosial Media
Suhari (1168010270) My experience uses social media The first time I got to know social media was during elementary school, where at that time I was introduced to social media called Facebook and my email was still using Yahoo. I first used Facebook, I interacted a lot, got acquainted here and there and had many friends. There are so many benefits to get from Facebook and even now I still use it. Besides that I have also used other social media, such as BBM, Twitter, Path, Instagram, and other applications. But what is still used today is whatsapp, Instagram and Twitter. I use Whatsapp to communicate with other people, while I use Twitter and Instagram to find information and other insights. In addition, I also use Instagram to sell online. There are so many benefits that I get from social media, but besides these benefits there are also negative impacts. Apart from that, social media gives us many benefits and convenience in un...